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The mean annual flow is established from the mean of all available daily flows. A year is considered missing if more than 20% of the data is missing.


calcQA(x, threshold = 0.8, ...)

# S3 method for data.frame
calcQA(x, threshold = 0.8, ...)


Chazot, Sébastien, Perrin, Charles, Jean-Philippe Vidal, Eric Sauquet, Mathilde Chauveau, et Nathalie Rouchy. 2012. « Explore 2070 - Lot Hydrologie de surface - A2 - Résultats : Fiches, Cartes et Graphes ». Ministère de l’écologie, du développement durable, des transports et du logement.



a data.frame with a first column containing dates in POSIXt format and one numeric column per gauging station


numeric minimum ratio of available data in a year to take it into account


Use for S3 method compatibility


A numeric named vector with the mean annual flow for each gauging station